SSD GEO/04 – Physical geography and geomorphology
Research interest Short- to long term Quaternary landscape evolution with special attention to tectonics and climate factors;
Geomorphological mapping, landscape zonation;
Holocene evolution and recent trends of river systems, degradation risk, natural and anthropogenic controls, and hydro-morphological and ecological recovery potentials;
Study and monitoring of the recent evolution and current dynamics of coastal systems, with special attention to erosion trends, natural and anthropic controls, effects on dunal systems, coastal vulnerability and risk;
Landslide distribution in relation to environmental factors, natural and anthropic controls, evaluation of the degree of landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk aspects;
Landslide census and analysis;
Study of slope processes and dynamics, climatic and anthropogenic influences, evaluation of the degree of susceptibility of the environmental systems, and related hydrogeological instability;
Study of the geomorphological aspects of seismic hazard analysis and seismic microzonation;
Geological heritage inventory, valuation, preservation and valorization of geosites, integrated approaches to promote cultural heritage;
Geo-archaeological studies in the frame of historical and archaeological research and studies concerning the Holocene evolution and dynamics, also aimed at evaluation of the historical-archaeological risk.

Remote sensing and carthograpic analysis; Geomorphological and thematic mapping; Quaternary Geology; Climate changes; Tectonics; Landscape evolution; Regional geomorphology; Applied Geomorphology; Fluvial Geomorphology; Coastal Geomorphology; Hydrogeological instability; Susceptibility, geomorphological hazard and risk; Seismic microzonation; Geoarcheology; Cultural Geology; Cultural heritage; Geosites.